
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Welcome to Twin Troubles,

Here at Twin Troubles you will find, writings by two different people.Who are so far away, yet so alike. Ones a senior and the other a freshman.  You will find posts about writing in general and maybe a post or two about our writing specifically. Or a passage from our novels-to-be most possibly.  Writing can be very difficult at times and you feel like you want to give up, but that doesn’t mean give up but maybe talk to someone about it for a while. And that's the reason for Twin Troubles so we can talk about problems in writing, or for you to help us with our writing. So check out some of the other pages for more information about us or our novels-to-be!

We hope you enjoy your time at Twin Troubles and we hope to see you often!

Ta Ta For Now.
Andrea & Leilani

2 Troubles:

Blueicegal ♥ said...

Oooh welcome girls lovely layout i look forward to future posts!

Anonymous said...

I love blogs about writing! Looking forward to your posts!

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