About Us

This is a writing blog so we creatively wanted to tell you about us in script:
November, 2010
[In two seats, acting like talk show hosts.]
Andrea & Leilani: Hi
Andrea: I'm Andrea
Leilani: and I'm Leilani
Andrea & Leilani: And we're the Twin Troubles
Andrea: We're not actually twins.
Leilani: No we're not.
Andrea: But we're two dedicated book bloggers.
Leilani: That started talking and became really really good friends.
Andrea: So we decided to start Twin Troubles.
Leilani: To help each other with are works in progresses.
Andrea: Are brain stormed novels to be.
Leilani: Even thought we live in different time zones.
Andrea: And states.
Leilani: And are different ages.
Andrea: We still have a very good bond as friends.
Leilani: We practically know everything about each other.
Andrea: Like Lei, can't draw to save her life
Leilani: And Andrea is a band geek.
Andrea: Not a geek, a nerd. Get it right.
Leilani: What ever, the point is we started Twin Troubles for fun.
Andrea: To write together.
Leilani: To be editors of each other.
Andrea: Actually we want Double Trouble but the url was already taken,
Leilani: So we settled for Twin Troubles.
Andrea: In ways we are twins.
Leilani: So the title fits.
Andrea: But anyway, Welcome.
Leilani: Welcome, to Twin Troubles.
Andrea & Leilani: Hope you enjoy the stories.

About the two hosts/twins:

Andrea is an inspiring teacher, and loves to design, read and write. She is the blogger of Loud Words and Sounds a book blog and is currently working on her novel Conversions, under the pen name Madeline S. Hanise.

Leilani is a bookaholic, is the girl behind the reviews at Leilani Loves Books. Leilani is an aspiring author and is currently working on her contemp young adult novel, Walking Dead.